How to add to setup a WordPress VM in Proxmox

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A quick guide on how to setup a virtual machine to run a single instance of WordPress. The instance runs on Ubuntu Server 22.04, following the setup guides from Digital Ocean. It also has a few extra steps to configure Nginx Proxy Manager to fetch wildcard SSL’s.

Setup Guide

  1. Open your Proxmox Virtual Environment and create a new Virtual Machine. Give the virtual machine a name and resources as appropriate to your installation. Use a an Ubuntu Server 22.04 image to install on to the VM.A screenshot of Proxmox Virtual Environment, showing the blue Create VM button
  2. Once booted, install Ubuntu Server according to the steps in this linked guide from Digital Ocean –
  3. Install LEMP Stack –
  4. Install WordPress –
  5. Install SLL –
    1. Check 5 dashes in the beginning
    2. Use sudo nginx -t to avoid privilege error
  6. Install VSFTPD server –
  7. Go to NGINX Proxy manager and add proxy, request SSL’s

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